Consolidated Income Statement
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Revenue |
334,983 |
100% |
165% |
463,492 |
100% |
38% |
605,252 |
100% |
31% |
Operating Expenses |
237,632 |
71% |
71% |
548,430 |
118% |
130% |
715,693 |
118% |
30% |
Operating Profit |
97,351 |
29% |
Turned to Profit |
(84,938) |
-18% |
-187% |
-110,441 |
-18% |
-30% |
Non-Operating Profit |
324,795 |
97% |
6,036% |
110,693 |
24% |
-66% |
79,723 |
13% |
-28% |
Non-Operating expenses |
28,028 |
8% |
1,299% |
209,876 |
45% |
649% |
147,946 |
24% |
-30% |
Net Income |
308,091 |
92% |
Turned to Profit |
(185,756) |
-40% |
-160% |
-206,682 |
-34% |
-11% |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Revenue |
126,242 |
100% |
11% |
334,983 |
100% |
165% |
463,492 |
100% |
38% |
Operating Expenses |
139,081 |
110% |
13% |
237,632 |
71% |
71% |
548,430 |
118% |
130% |
Operating Profit |
(12,839) |
-10% |
38% |
97,351 |
29% |
Turned to Profit |
(84,938) |
-18% |
-187% |
Non-Operating Profit |
5,293 |
4% |
-1% |
324,795 |
97% |
6,036% |
110,693 |
24% |
-66% |
Non-Operating expenses |
2,004 |
2% |
69% |
28,028 |
8% |
1,299% |
209,876 |
45% |
649% |
Net Income |
(18,362) |
-15% |
-36% |
308,091 |
92% |
Turned to Profit |
(185,756) |
-40% |
-160% |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Revenue |
113,648 |
100% |
-11% |
126,242 |
100% |
11% |
334,983 |
100% |
165% |
Operating Expenses |
122,978 |
108% |
-25% |
139,081 |
110% |
13% |
237,632 |
71% |
71% |
Operating Profit |
(9,330) |
-8% |
74% |
(12,839) |
-10% |
38% |
97,351 |
29% |
Turned to Profit |
Non-Operating Profit |
5,366 |
5% |
-51% |
5,293 |
4% |
-1% |
324,795 |
97% |
6,036% |
Non-Operating expenses |
6,489 |
6% |
-36% |
2,004 |
2% |
69% |
28,028 |
8% |
1,299% |
Net Income |
(28,699) |
-25% |
41% |
(18,362) |
-15% |
-36% |
308,091 |
92% |
Turned to Profit |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Revenue |
127,076 |
100% |
16% |
113,648 |
100% |
-11% |
126,242 |
100% |
11% |
Operating Expenses |
163,238 |
128% |
58% |
122,978 |
108% |
-25% |
139,081 |
110% |
13% |
Operating Profit |
(36,162) |
-28% |
-705% |
(9,330) |
-8% |
74% |
(12,839) |
-10% |
38% |
Non-Operating Profit |
10,883 |
9% |
-49% |
5,366 |
5% |
-51% |
5,293 |
4% |
-1% |
Non-Operating expenses |
10,105 |
8% |
-18% |
6,489 |
6% |
-36% |
2,004 |
2% |
69% |
Net Income |
(48,528) |
-38% |
-5,383% |
(28,699) |
-25% |
41% |
(18,362) |
-15% |
-36% |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Revenue |
109,568 |
100% |
1% |
127,076 |
100% |
16% |
113,648 |
100% |
-11% |
Operating Expenses |
103,593 |
95% |
0% |
163,238 |
128% |
58% |
122,978 |
108% |
-25% |
Operating Profit |
5,975 |
5% |
45% |
(36,162) |
-28% |
-705% |
(9,330) |
-8% |
74% |
Non-Operating Profit |
21,314 |
19% |
70% |
10,883 |
9% |
-49% |
5,366 |
5% |
-51% |
Non-Operating expenses |
12,355 |
11% |
-88% |
10,105 |
8% |
-18% |
6,489 |
6% |
-36% |
Net Income |
(885) |
-1% |
99% |
(48,528) |
-38% |
-5,383% |
(28,699) |
-25% |
41% |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Revenue |
107,979 |
99% |
-15% |
109,568 |
100% |
1% |
127,076 |
100% |
16% |
Operating Expenses |
103,848 |
95% |
-25% |
103,593 |
95% |
0% |
163,238 |
128% |
58% |
Operating Profit |
4,131 |
4% |
135% |
5,975 |
5% |
45% |
(36,162) |
-28% |
-705% |
Non-Operating Profit |
12,539 |
11% |
128% |
21,314 |
19% |
70% |
10,883 |
9% |
-49% |
Non-Operating expenses |
105,660 |
96% |
-24% |
12,355 |
11% |
-88% |
10,105 |
8% |
-18% |
Net Income |
(73,001) |
-67% |
41% |
(885) |
-1% |
99% |
(48,528) |
-38% |
-5,383% |
(Unit: KRW million)
Consolidated Balance Sheet
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Assets |
1,027,300 |
100% |
218% |
1,429,831 |
100% |
39% |
1,417,739 |
100% |
-1% |
Liabilities |
383,599 |
37% |
470% |
895,503 |
63% |
134% |
1,016,961 |
72% |
14% |
Equity |
643,701 |
63% |
151% |
534,328 |
37% |
-17% |
400,778 |
28% |
-25% |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Assets |
323,371 |
100% |
9% |
1,027,300 |
100% |
218% |
1,429,831 |
100% |
39% |
Liabilities |
67,350 |
21% |
9% |
383,599 |
37% |
470% |
895,503 |
63% |
134% |
Equity |
256,020 |
79% |
9% |
643,701 |
63% |
151% |
534,328 |
37% |
-17% |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Assets |
296,259 |
100% |
-16% |
323,371 |
100% |
9% |
1,027,300 |
100% |
218% |
Liabilities |
61,598 |
21% |
-18% |
67,350 |
21% |
9% |
383,599 |
37% |
470% |
Equity |
234,661 |
79% |
-15% |
256,020 |
79% |
9% |
643,701 |
63% |
151% |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Assets |
350,825 |
100% |
-23% |
296,259 |
100% |
-16% |
323,371 |
100% |
9% |
Liabilities |
75,244 |
21% |
-32% |
61,598 |
21% |
-18% |
67,350 |
21% |
9% |
Equity |
275,581 |
79% |
-19% |
234,661 |
79% |
-15% |
256,020 |
79% |
9% |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Assets |
453,301 |
100% |
12% |
350,825 |
100% |
-23% |
296,259 |
100% |
-16% |
Liabilities |
111,266 |
25% |
102% |
75,244 |
21% |
-32% |
61,598 |
21% |
-18% |
Equity |
342,035 |
75% |
-2% |
275,581 |
79% |
-19% |
234,661 |
79% |
-15% |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Assets |
403,341 |
100% |
-18% |
453,301 |
100% |
12% |
350,825 |
100% |
-23% |
Liabilities |
55,158 |
14% |
-30% |
111,266 |
25% |
102% |
75,244 |
21% |
-32% |
Equity |
348,184 |
86% |
-16% |
342,035 |
75% |
-2% |
275,581 |
79% |
-19% |
(Unit: KRW million)
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Cash flows from operating activities |
94,396 |
42% |
Turned to Profit |
-37,020 |
3,434% |
-139% |
-10,290 |
-22% |
72% |
Cash flows from investing activities |
83,141 |
37% |
488% |
-130,906 |
12,143% |
-257% |
85,466 |
180% |
165% |
Cash flows from financing activities |
48,831 |
22% |
929% |
166,848 |
-15,478% |
242% |
-27,792 |
-59% |
-117% |
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
226,368 |
100% |
5,563% |
-1,078 |
100% |
-100% |
47,384 |
100% |
4,496% |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period |
273,726 |
- |
549% |
268,133 |
- |
-2% |
314,809 |
- |
17% |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Cash flows from operating activities |
-14,885 |
-372% |
-65% |
94,396 |
42% |
Turned to Profit |
-37,020 |
3,434% |
-139% |
Cash flows from investing activities |
14,134 |
354% |
-59% |
83,141 |
37% |
488% |
-130,906 |
12,143% |
-257% |
Cash flows from financing activities |
4,747 |
119% |
-146% |
48,831 |
22% |
929% |
166,848 |
-15,478% |
242% |
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
3,997 |
100% |
-121% |
226,368 |
100% |
5,563% |
-1,078 |
100% |
-100% |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period |
42,197 |
- |
11% |
273,726 |
- |
549% |
268,133 |
- |
-2% |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Cash flows from operating activities |
-43,126 |
228% |
6% |
-14,885 |
-372% |
-65% |
94,396 |
42% |
Turned to Profit |
Cash flows from investing activities |
34,397 |
-182% |
-347% |
14,134 |
354% |
-59% |
83,141 |
37% |
488% |
Cash flows from financing activities |
-10,213 |
54% |
-39% |
4,747 |
119% |
-146% |
48,831 |
22% |
929% |
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
-18,942 |
100% |
-73% |
3,997 |
100% |
-121% |
226,368 |
100% |
5,563% |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period |
38,124 |
- |
-33% |
42,197 |
- |
11% |
273,726 |
- |
549% |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Cash flows from operating activities |
(40,539) |
57% |
-362% |
-43,126 |
228% |
6% |
-14,885 |
-372% |
-65% |
Cash flows from investing activities |
(13,932) |
20% |
-116% |
34,397 |
-182% |
-347% |
14,134 |
354% |
-59% |
Cash flows from financing activities |
(16,878) |
24% |
-120% |
-10,213 |
54% |
-39% |
4,747 |
119% |
-146% |
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
(71,349) |
100% |
-204% |
-18,942 |
100% |
-73% |
3,997 |
100% |
-121% |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period |
57,154 |
- |
-55% |
38,124 |
- |
-33% |
42,197 |
- |
11% |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Cash flows from operating activities |
(8,782) |
-13% |
-191% |
(40,539) |
57% |
-362% |
-43,126 |
228% |
6% |
Cash flows from investing activities |
85,077 |
124% |
-600% |
(13,932) |
20% |
-116% |
34,397 |
-182% |
-347% |
Cash flows from financing activities |
(7,680) |
-11% |
-279% |
(16,878) |
24% |
-120% |
-10,213 |
54% |
-39% |
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
68,614 |
100% |
2331% |
(71,349) |
100% |
-204% |
-18,942 |
100% |
-73% |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period |
127,140 |
- |
105% |
57,154 |
- |
-55% |
38,124 |
- |
-33% |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Amounts |
Ratio |
YoY |
Cash flows from operating activities |
9,626 |
-313% |
309% |
(8,782) |
-13% |
-191% |
(40,539) |
57% |
-362% |
Cash flows from investing activities |
(17,004) |
553% |
-273% |
85,077 |
124% |
-600% |
(13,932) |
20% |
-116% |
Cash flows from financing activities |
4,302 |
-140% |
11% |
(7,680) |
-11% |
-279% |
(16,878) |
24% |
-120% |
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
(3,076) |
100% |
-134% |
68,614 |
100% |
2331% |
(71,349) |
100% |
-204% |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period |
62,023 |
- |
-2% |
127,140 |
- |
105% |
57,154 |
- |
-55% |
(Unit: KRW million)